Name: Niall Maher
Occupation: Logistics Manager
Age: 37
After losing a lot of weight by myself I realised I needed the right help to get me the rest of the way. I joined EQ in June 2019 weighing in at just under 21st and my main goal was to lose weight.
Iv always had weight issues since primary school and weighed in at my heaviest 31stone.
Over the years I tried several methods of diets / exercises and they never really worked or they just were not sustainable.
I started off doing PT with Emmet, joined the members class and was immediately hooked. Gym life became a way of life and not a chore.
EQ thought me how to lose weight, build muscle, eat correct whole foods and also factor in nights or meals out with friends. It’s not just a gym.
The photo shoot was always going to be on the cards for me at some stage because I like challenges. I was very close to signing up for the 1st one but opted out. Kayleigh (my wife) mentioned she was doing the most recent one so I said I’d give it a go so we support each other but I wanted to have a really good base going into a photoshoot prep so I worked hard for 4 months before the prep and I did exactly that.
The 13 week prep started and I couldn’t believe the amount of food I was eating but one thing Emmet asked for was trust in him and 100% dedication from me.
As the weeks went on the weight was dropping, body fat was dropping but at no stage throughout the prep was I hungry… That is because the guys at EQ are on a different level and know their stuff. The support is top class, no matter what day or time of the day the coaches are are for you.
By the end of the shoot I weighed in at 13.5 stone.
Something I could only have dreamed about and for the 1st time in my life, my new goal post shoot and into the new year is to build muscle, eat more whole foods, enjoy meals out and not feel guilty about it but work hard in the gym during the week, eat well and get regular walks in every week to keep activity levels high and maintain my weight.
If anyone asked me should they join EQ, I’d say its a no brianer. Photo shoot might not be for everyone but the classes will give you the bug and you never know where it will take you. If nothing else you’ll eat better, feel better both mentally and physically. All these things can only have a positive effect on you and at home.